Monday, January 6, 2020

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I’m so into Eli Roth right now (especially since he has his own Tumblr account).Related imageRelated imageImage result for images of naked tortured men on leashesRelated image
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posted 3:30 pm on Saturday, December 1, 2012 with 89 notes

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30 weird sign boards that seriously demand an explanation to make sense #Funny #SignBoards #NeedExplanation #FunnySigns #Humor #LOL #BemeThis

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“The bath scene in Hostel 2 made me realize I have a blood fetish.”Image result for MAKE GIFS MOTION IMAGES OF PREACHING GOING WILD ON THE PULPIT/
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================================================================Image result for funny make gifs motion images of jason voorhees=

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  1. The christian bible through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21 no less says biblical men such as moses and Joshua and abraham were gloriously righteous for committing mass genocide on numerous cultures of people.

    Throughout the ages of this existence.

    Through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21.

    The holy ghost in christianity no less!

    So what's your answer to that concept of this life?

    Is the holy ghost wrong?
    Connected to 1st samuel 15: 3 to 33 and joshua 15.

    Exodus 32: 27 to 32 states that the jews during the days of moses even killed thousands of fellow jews at one time" in mass homicides to honor the creator of this world.

    And the christian bible says that anyone who spoke against moses for killing thousands of humans at one time would be destroyed by god in this life..

    And malachi 3: 6 and hebrews 13: 8 and matthew 5: 17 to 20 and to.ans 3: 31 all reinforce those statements.

    What's your answer to that?

    Connected to exodus 15: 3?

    Just out of curiosity?

    People of earth today.


  2. The christian bible through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21 no less says biblical men such as moses and Joshua and abraham were gloriously righteous for committing mass genocide on numerous cultures of people.

    Throughout the ages of this existence.

    Through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21.

    The holy ghost in christianity no less!

    So what's your answer to that concept of this life?

    Is the holy ghost wrong?
    Connected to 1st samuel 15: 3 to 33 and joshua 15.

    Exodus 32: 27 to 32 states that the jews during the days of moses even killed thousands of fellow jews at one time" in mass homicides to honor the creator of this world.

    And the christian bible says that anyone who spoke against moses for killing thousands of humans at one time would be destroyed by god in this life..

    And malachi 3: 6 and hebrews 13: 8 and matthew 5: 17 to 20 and to.ans 3: 31 all reinforce those statements.

    What's your answer to that?

    Connected to exodus 15: 3?

    Just out of curiosity?

    People of earth today.


  3. The christian bible through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21 no less says biblical men such as moses and Joshua and abraham were gloriously righteous for committing mass genocide on numerous cultures of people.

    Throughout the ages of this existence.

    Through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21.

    The holy ghost in christianity no less!

    So what's your answer to that concept of this life?

    Is the holy ghost wrong?
    Connected to 1st samuel 15: 3 to 33 and joshua 15.

    Exodus 32: 27 to 32 states that the jews during the days of moses even killed thousands of fellow jews at one time" in mass homicides to honor the creator of this world.

    And the christian bible says that anyone who spoke against moses for killing thousands of humans at one time would be destroyed by god in this life..

    And malachi 3: 6 and hebrews 13: 8 and matthew 5: 17 to 20 and to.ans 3: 31 all reinforce those statements.

    What's your answer to that?

    Connected to exodus 15: 3?

    Just out of curiosity?

    People of earth today.
