Saturday, November 26, 2022

 Further briefings.

C4q25 says my sacred prayers diminish.

C2q38 says "" after i defeat the devilish myriads of powerful deities in control of this present formation of this existence" and restore jesus to the throne of the new heavens i will bring regarding revelation 20:7-10 revelation 21:1-3 and 2nd peter 3:7-17" AFTER i resurrect myself in 7 days from my pending death forthcoming soon regarding 2nd esdras 7":29-32""  i will hardly stay allies with jesus.


Look at the facts.

I have wvery right to be angey witb my direct lineal father for this.

Hes the ezsence of these horrible deities that did this to me in this life.

So ' john" as c4q25 states incredibly throufh my grand mother CHRISTIANITYS HOLY GHOST" HOLY  prayers to jesus have diminished.



Summarizing a previous post on this site called The philosophers stone.

Addressed as follows:

On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 11:39 AM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Most if not all official documents were destroyed.

And all official records of that major asylum were destroyed by government officials.

Now, why would that be?


By way of psalm 149:5-9, what’s that all about?


And how could that even be accomplished?

If someone didn’t have a Time Machine?

In this life?

They told me , the first day, I was in that ward, that they had got my papers mixed up.
And ultimately accidentally placed me on a wrong ward of the hospital.

But they couldn’t fix their own mistake?

Because it was already in their computer system?

So I rationally got upset about that.

That they put me on a dangerous ward filled with homicidal maniacs?

Can you blame me?

For getting upset?

And they then ridiculously stripped me naked for a week.

Because I complained about such a mistake on their parts.


They put me in a cell buck naked.

So they could evaluate my buttocks ?for a week?

Then , after a week of that? They just let me go?

They said my buttocks were sexy and fine.

That’s insanity on their parts.

Does anyone on earth but me realize that?

By way of 2nd Peter 3?

The governments crazy.

Just like I prove here.

With facts.

On Sat, Apr 22, 2023 at 5:33 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Brief note.

I’m telling you people, the truth.

You know?

That all happened…


My point?

What does that mean?

That’s crazy on the part of government officials to have done that to me.

Absolutely totally crazy.

The police and government workers are not to be crazy like that.

Hold me in a hospital for a whole week.


In a cell.

And then after that week is up ‘let me go, .

Yet , they did do that.

How did that treat my emotional troubles at the time?

And put me on a locked ward of a major insane asylum with murderers all around me?

Yet they did that.

For a week.

Then they let me go.

Like nothing happened.

‘’’ okay, weeks up Kerry. We’ve checked your nudity. Everything’s okay.

You can go home now,’’’

They told me.

Back to London with you.

Your free.

There’s the door.

Before we change our mind.


They basically said to me.
In a matter of speaking.

Ya know?

Now, I read ‘on the internet, about 3 years after that MAJOR insane asylum closed down the following .

Most of the documents explaining hospital procedures were deleted or  destroyed by government officials.


I wonder why?

On Sat, Apr 22, 2023 at 2:00 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
May I add this?  To the preceding?

I have to humbly add this.

To everything  just addressed.


Their were a lot of people that were insane murderers  in that hospital that were permanent residents.

I saw it with my own eyes:

One question.

On that note.

When the lph in London and the st.Thomas hospital closed down ?

Where did the authorities put them,?

Did they release those insanehomicidal crazy people back into human societies.?

With notes giving to each of them ‘asking them not to kill anymore?

I don’t know?

I just don’t know.

Who knows?

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 9:36 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 9:05 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Humans are so dumb. And so are most evil spirits .
Probably all of em.
It never logically occurred to anyone.
Except me.
The source of such a power.

It’s not “what is the philosophers stone?

In this life.

It’s ‘’’WHO’’’ is the philosophers stone in this life.

Aligning c2q45 of the prophesies of Christianity’s Holy Ghost addressed by Nostradamus.

And who is the real essence  and being of such a true legendary power.

It’s me.

No one could figure that one out in this life.


Except me.

Though it’s completely obvious.

Well, unless your an evil spirit ‘ presently inside the senescent building I presently giving reference to here located on sunset drive in st.Thomas Ontario Canada. 😗

Touché to that ‘as well.’

Pure and simple.

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 8:51 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
The spiritual forces inside that abandoned building?

They need the powerful incorporeal uranium blood that presently dwells partially inside me .

At this conjecture in time.

In this present formation of this existence.

For something diabolically sinister.

On their parts.

I know that’s what they want.

I almost went into the building to challenge them on that.

I almost did.

But at the last second , I didn’t see the point.

I’m going inside.

They were cowards for not coming out of the building.

To get me.

As they are many.

And I’m basically one.

Hanging right outside.

Challenging them.

So they were the chicken shits.

Not me.

Touché on that note.

Pure and simple

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 8:26 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
I’ve evaluated the building closely.

And I’ve sensed it’s powers.

It’s clearly completely engulfed in spiritual forces.

But you have to be in tuned to the spirit world to know this.
Theirs a powerful vortex of spiritual wickedness inside the building.

It’s clearly an outpost for evil spirits.

In connection to rev 16:13-14 and Ephesians 6:10-12.

Two years back, I put my head against the front door?

And I heard and felt incredible spiritual energy .

Strangely though? 
The forces that were behind the door didn’t recognize me.

At first.

Two years back.

They do now.


And their hiding.
Trying to coax me in.


It’s the only thing that aligns with what the facts of this life state.


On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 8:14 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Guys? Can you hear sound ?
In this video?
I can’t.
Why is it that YouTube blocked the sound to my videos I recorded recently on my trip to port burwell?

What are YouTube’s monkey authority figures doing now?


Watch st.Thomas ontarios superannuated general nuthouse. Still in amazing condition. I thought of breaking in?
In the back?
On my bike ride to port burwell.
I thought about it?
I debated it.
Strongly debated it.
Very much so.
But I changed my mind.

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 8:02 PM vinnie venus <> wrote:
Summarizing this video.

When I was 16 I was suicidal. Dad and mom were worried.
They thought I was acting up in crazy ways.

When I was 16.

So they brought me to this abandoned hospital for psychiatric treatment.

Unbelievably ‘ hospital officials got my papers mixed up.

After dad and mom left me here.

And hospital staff put me on a locked ward with murderers.

People who were permanently in the hospital…

I told staff their was a mistake.

And they said to me , they admitted it was an error.

But the error couldn’t be fixed.

Because it had already gone through the system.

So got upset.

They leaped on me and attacked me.
And stripped me.

Then they put me in a cell for 7 days.

And had female guards watch me.
They also wanted to know how many times I went poopie.

Then, after 7days they let me go.

But they said my new friends, the 25 murderers on the unit wing of the hospital I stayed at in 1984 had to stay in the hospital.

I could go.

But they had to stay in the nut house.

I cried out ‘’’ woe nooooo!’’’

Can they come with me?
Back to London?’’
I cried.

But hospital staff at that time said, ‘’’ woe boo! Kerry, they can’t come with you back to London! Because their killers!’’’

To which I wept.

But then I accepted the fact the killers I had met at the hospital couldn’t come with me.

And I walked home.

After mental hospital staff at st. Thomas nut house let me go.

Back in late July of 1984.
I believe the date was.


They were crazy.

Those people.

At that hospital.

And not just staff was crazy.

Paul and aunt marg.

The mental patients I was confined with were nuts too.

O well.

That’s how it goes.

True story.

Paul and aunt Margaret.

I’m not kidding.

Uncle George’s wife, aunt Joan stayed here. Too.

If I recall correctly?

In the summer of 1983 my dad took me to visit her here too.

O my yes.

Good memories.
And great times.


Great times.

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 8:26 AM vinnie venus <> wrote:

Can you guys hear sound on this video I took of the senescent st.Thomas abandoned insane asylum?

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