Monday, April 27, 2020

General molecular evidences and concepts to why their obviously were previous existences before this existence humans dwell in..

Regarding the information I just ultimately addressed to you ?Obviously that means there were previous existences. 


Connected to revelation 17: 8 to 11 ephesians 1: 4 and jude 1:4-5.


That's why scientists cannot figure out why most  direct elements of earth seem to only date figuratively to about 6 to 8000 years in age.

But a variety of other elements and bone fragments and substances as well as chemicals etc all seem to date well beyond the 8000 years taught by christianitys scriptures in this life.

For mortals.


Because various elements destroyed by various holy  judges and gods of previous existences in prior formations of earth

Were not completely destroyed.

As genesis 3: 22 warns humans..

Various elements and chemicals survived the destructions of prior existences.

And the  floated in the cosmos obviously.

Til the jewish god along with other gods and goddesses made this world.

Along with mortals.

That's why human scientists never fully get the true age of earth correct in this life.

Because human scientists cannot understand how various powerful life giving elements of prior existences could survive in the cosmos of space for that long.

And then just descend on this present formation of earth.

After the jewish god made her alias gaea to his design and for his pleasures.

In this existence.

She is literally jehovah's slave girl along with lilith pleasure slave girl in this life.

That's how the gods operate. 

Some have higher rankings.

Amongst gods.

And do what they want.

Til a few forces arrive on earth.

To sometimes counter act that judgment.

At times.

But the point?

The point is ultimately mortals do not realize such facts just addressed here are true.

Regarding the true age of this present earth humans dwell on.

As opposed to the true age of a variety of elements and beings older then mother earth obviously.

In this life.

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