Monday, June 12, 2023




’Face and subdue the multiple. Cast through invisible sound. Tame and skin the beast to live for tomorrows time.’’’

Quotation- Nostradamus.

16th century a d. 

To the readers of this website.

A brief precursor introduction to this website is forwarded now as follows before I begin this sites contents.


First off regarding the following blog.

I must first say this.

I begin this website first with this important information.



Before beginning this factual blog website this must be stated first.


Worded as follows.


For the appropriate sake of record, to the readers of this website , note the following.

 In the year 1564, A D,,,when it is said by most Nostradamus scholars over the years specifically  that Nostradamus’s vaticinal powers in this life were at their height, a group on earth, known by most of humanity as The ILLUMINITI seized a section of the prophetic works of Nostradamus entitled Century Seven:.

50 specific quatrains in fact.

Most of which I give an appropriate address to here.

In this website in fact.


Which quatrains quite factually all connect to 2nd Peter 1:19——21 of Christianity’s sacred scriptures.

Which for the appropriate sake of record, likewise,  literally amounts to a serious Christian point in Christianity regarding the words of Jesus Christ attached to both Hebrews 4:12, Hebrews 12:4, and likewise Luke 4:4 of Christianity’s sacred scriptures.

That needs to be noted logically by all humanity at this conjecture in time in human history.

By which factor, too, it should also be clarified that, from that point on in this existence, in connection to 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15, and the functions of mankind in this life, that worldly group on earth, regarding that serious matter and it’s inhabitants  did actually foolishly deliberately hide those vaticinal christian prophesies from the rest of humanity.

Regarding this existence.

In connection to many serious Christian matters in this life regarding Christianity specifically likewise.

Luke 21:36 and 

Matthew 7:13-14 of the words of Jesus being amongst such serious matters.

Forwarded to humans in this life.

On that note, before starting this blogs written contents I have decided to addresse one of those quatrains for all humans who deign to read these words I address to humans at this conjecture in time in human history.

Worded correctly as follows.

‘’’c7q100. Nostradamus states the following vaticinal words  to all humanity as well as to all beings in this life.’’’As the second wave draws nigh , four beings must be changed strong as one .

Hammer can smite victory if honor is given to savola.’’’

To the readers of this website.

On that vaticinal note? Before proceeding with the written contents of this website, I must clarify this for the readers of this site.

I refer to four divine beings in the pages of this website .

It is those four beings I refer to who fulfil the first part of this Christian prophesy of Nostradamus.

Which also reflects c7q54 of the quatrains of Nostradamus.

Addressed here.

At the beginning of this attached link placed here on this site.

The second part of this quatrain aligns with genesis 3:22, and  refers to the hammer of a Norse deity named Thor.

The third and final fadical attachment to this christian prophesy of Nostradamus is obviously an anagram to 1st Corinthians 6:1-3.

Which is obviously a spiritual supranational signature to how Nostradamus addressed most if not all his quatrains to humanity in this life.

In alignment to Matthew 7:, verse 6.



Quite obviously indeed.

In truth.




To the reader.

That is the brief precursor introduction I wished to give in writing before beginning this very serious Christian addressed blog website which I now forward to all humanity in this life.


Now , in regards to this blog website,I will say this to ultimately begin this blog website.first.

Often times ‘, from a somewhat terrestrial point of view,’I feel’’a ‘’’God ‘’’ or ‘’’Goddess’’’or 

 Or Creator ‘’or whoever one wishes to call the Creator or Creators of all life forms terrestrial’’in this existence’’for that matter,,who created men with the sexual anatomy that men have and women with the terrestrial anatomy and body functions that women possess ‘must be a little off the wall,,, so to speak.

From a molecular point of view at least.

I mean, seriously?

Come on now.


Whoever the real creator or creators of all life forms is or are in this existence, what ‘’’prey tell”’did they say ‘before making this terrestrial world and everything in it?

Did they say ‘’’Heres what we’ll do.

We’ll make men with penises and we’ll give women vaginas.


Of course.

And then we’ll just sit back’in heaven and see what happens.


Of course.

And most religions on earth teach their followers that their Gods or Goddesses command humanity to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.

So that many people are born on earth in this existence.

That is a teaching of most every religion on earth.

Yet theirs also contradictions in that concept addressed in many religions too.

For example ‘’in Christianity , in the book of genesis God commanded and willed a biblical man named Jacob to defy what Christianity’s Holy Ghost  teaches its followers in 1st Thessalonians 4:1-8, Hebrews 13:4 , 2nd Peter 1:19-21, Matthew 5:17-20, Deuteronomy 17:17, and Malachi 2:14-16.


If the words of Jesus are true in Matthew 5:17-20, connected to Deuteronomy 17:17, for example , then why is it that God ordered the great and holy biblical man ‘’Jacob’ to deliberately defy what Christianity’s Holy Ghost says humans are to follow through Jesus in Matthew 5:17-20 and Deuteronomy 17:17?

By taking a vast variety of women to be his wives in this life?

That would mean that the biblical man jacob ranks above the words of Christianity’s Holy Ghost and Jesus, in alignment to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 , Deuteronomy 17:17, and matthew5:17-20.

In a logical comparison of those statements in Christianity.

Connected to what Jesus warns humans to do in Luke 4:4 of Christianity obviously.

And the same sentiments can be said for other great biblical men too.

As Christianity scripture says the biblical men Abraham 

and David also slept with many women in this life.

Some of those women the Christian scriptures clearly say Abraham and David weren’t even married to.

In holy matrimony.

Yet the Christian God along with all of Christianity and Jesus still say that the biblical men Abraham jacob and

 David are all holy before jesus and the Christian God and rank high in Christianity’s heavens above almost every saint of Christianity even.

Which clearly goes against what Christianity’s Holy Ghost says through jesus in Matthew 5:17-20 and a variety of other statements of jesus.

It does appear to contradict.

Yet , it’s possible that God and jesus will just justify that contradiction in Christianity through Roman’s 4:7-8 , psalm 51:10, Isiah 1:13, and 1st Timothy 1:9-10.

Which simply means that Christ and the Christian God over look the fact that the great Christian addressed righteous men Abraham David and Jacob were allowed to fornicate wildly in this life with thousands of women because their hearts were pure before God in this life.

It does appear that’s the case in Christianity’s scriptures.

Then theirs also the fact that various Christian scriptures also imply that Christ and the Christian God prefer it if various mortal Christian’s walk as virgins to Christ in this life too.

Revelation 14:14 and a variety of other scriptures make that clear too.

Which slightly contradicts with genesis 9:6 and the Christian scripture that instructs created humans to fornicate and replenish the earth with many people.

So I suppose that’s just saying that the Christian  God also has a different calling and


For each human created too.

Then theirs also the fact it’s common knowledge in Christian circles likewise that Christianity also teaches humans that the Christian God and Christianity’s Holy Ghost both willed a 40 year old biblical man named Joseph to get married to the mother of jesus‘’Mary,’when Mary was only 12 years of age in this life too.

So what’s that mean?

If God and Christianity’s ALL Divine Holy Ghost willed a 40 year old biblical man named Joseph to marry the mother of Jesus when Mary was only 12 are humans on earth today going to slander the sinless Christian Father of Jesus Christ and Christianity’s Holy Ghost for willing joesph to Marry ‘’Mary’ at only 12 years of age?

I believe that’s a good question that most people in this time frame of humanity foolishly ignore.

God never changes .

As Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 warn all.


If God and Jesus never change their views on how and what they order humans to do in this life that that is a matter which mere humans need to ask themselves in this life.

As it’s God who judges humans at the end of their lives in this existence.

For good or evil works committed.


I’m just saying.


Humans in this day and age  are missing something here.

I’m not trying to justify evil people.

I’m just saying that humans are missing something here.

In this subject.

From  a stand point that reflects God and Jesus.

Who are both sinless.

Mortals are not sinless.

God is.

So mortals today are wise therefore to think about what was just said .


On that note.

Every fact applied to this topic confirms that statement to be thoroughly correct.

That’s entirely obvious.

Pure and simple.

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