Sunday, May 19, 2024

A precursor introduction to this website is addressed in this light

 I wish to begin this blog website with this.

A letter I wrote to my sister in this life, named Winnie.

Worded as follows.

To my sister Winnie in this life please now note the following.

Regarding a summary of true facts which pertain to this existence so now

Here' is something interesting factually  that you should be aware of in this life , Winnie.

Originally , I wrote three thesis's on Christianity.
Which in a large part, in words and writings , rationally  compared for people today  Christianitys virtues  with other religions.

Granted such writings went beyond that matter.
In prophesy and logic.

Actually those three thesis's went everywhere in matters which relate to this life.
I researched matters in this life meticulously and properly.

Covering every relevant subject that pertains to this existence.
And my writings rationally glorified Christ in faith hope and love.

1800 pages of leaf let paper is what I wrote them on.

And such writings were written in completely  simple to understand English.

When I had finished writing them I sent copies to various publishers to get published.

If I recall correctly two publishers said they would charge me two thousand dollars for them to publish my writings that glorified Jesus completely.

I said they could publish my words to the glory of Christ for free in connection to acts 8:20:

But they refused that logic.

So being instructed by the spirit of Christ to publish my writings without money involved  I , then, proceeded to place the writings on scanning devices on the computer and placed them on a website called

If I recall correctly the name of the website I had attached to the live journal website program was entitled

I spent a lot of money of my own and time too.
Making that website.
And scanning the 1800 leaflet papers onto that site.

Which, according to Christian scripture, is the right thing to do if you are forced to do it by a corrupt world .

Christianity makes it clear it’s acceptable to use your own money on earth to do what is right.

If you are forced to by a corrupt world .

True Christian’s are allowed to do that according to Christianity’s sacred teachings.

What Christianity forbids obviously is putting money before Christ or christs holy glory.

But if a person is forced by worldly people  to use 
their own money on earth  to publish words that glorify Jesus?
And such a person does not profit molecularly from that specific Holy concept?
In a fashion which pertains to filthy lucre?

Then a true Christian is justified if a Christian uses money to glorify Christ.

Obviously Jesus would justify that.

Because such a Christian is forced to use money to glorify Jesus.

So that’s not a true Christian’s fault obviously.

Jesus isn’t stupid.

You know?

Jesus knows when devils force true Christian’s to do that.

So Jesus does not hold that against a true Christian obviously.

And all of my writings were written to the glory of Jesus Christ .


When I had finally scanned all the pages onto the site it stayed on the site for about a month.

To the glory of Christ.

No images.
No crazy videos.
Just holy words that glorified the ten Commandments of Jesus in Christianity in every way.

You wouldn't think their would be anything wrong with.that.

Just simple clean words that glorified Jesus in this life in every facet of life

1800 pages.

And I got paid no money for it.
But I did it to the glory of Jesus.
I never asked for money for doing that.
Money  was never my objective inglorifying Christ.

I did that sincerely.
Out of love for Christ.
I published such holy writings.

And made no money myself for doing that.

Devilish worldly authorities asked me for filthy lucre so I could publish my Christian websites to the glory of Jesus Christ.

Connected to acts 8;20 I warned them against forcing me to pay to publish my writings that glorified Jesus.

But such worldly idiots insisted on me giving them devilish money for that.
Jesus knows that’s not my fault.

I made no money at all for doing what is right there.

But others on earth stupidly  made devilish
 money on that matter.

I warned them to publish my writings that glorified Jesus without associating money with such a concept.

I gave them fair warning not to do that in connection to acts 8;20.

Yet such idiots on earth didn’t listen to my rational advice there.

That’s not my fault.


And I worked hard at glorifying Christ in the face of extremely stupid  adversity displayed on the part of worldly authorities towards my holy words I published on the internet to the glory of Jesus Christ.

I'm just saying I worked hard doing it.
And Jesus knows I did do that sincerely.

Incredibly though?

After a month of that website being on the air and on the www?

The manufacturers and publishers of the website program.entitled 
told me my writings were too CHRISTIAN BASED.

And so they would have to delete my website if I kept my writings so Christian based.

Because they felt if I did not mock what Christianity teaches humans to  follow in Exodus 20:3-17 by addressing other deitys and religions   then that was simply being too Christian.

They.emailed me that thought.

On their parts.

Can you believe they actually did that?
They gave me a month to defy Christ's instructions in Matthew 19:17 and  include other deitys and concepts of life into my writings on live journal .

The end result being that they deleted my holy writings and blog writings  on the website I was using on their site.

They callously deleted it all.

Simply because I was too Christian in my writings and honored Jesus iny writings too much for their liking.

How interesting?
Eh Winnie?

They actually did that to me.
And deleted all my words that glorified Jesus Christ.



After they did that?


Self righteously on.their parts.

I became angry with them.

And then I said, "' okay";


You aren't happy with my clean well written decent holy  Christian 
essays that appropriately glorify Jesus in every way?

I tell you what then.
Live journal manufacturers.
You know what I'm gonna do?

You want to ridiculously delete all my decent Christian writings and  hard work I've put into these writings I've placed on your site?


I tell you what.

Your not happy with my good decent clean writings that glorify Jesus in every way in this life?

You want a bit more then that?

Do you?
I tell you what.
Here's what I'll do on that note 

Listen now.

Here's what I'm gonna do then.

I've decided to follow what Jesus says in Luke 12:1-3.

On that note.
Regarding these Christian writings of mine.

That means , this.

While I write these journals to the glory of Jesus I'm gonna do what Jesus commands all Christians including me in Ephesians 5:11'" and Luke 12:1-3 at the same time as I write these writings.

Expose all evil , including evil images on the internet in-order to stop such evil.

That's clearly what Christianitys Holy ghost says true Christians are to do in Ephesians 5:11" through Saint Paul in order to stop evils.
In this life.

Which includes evil images and evil videos placed by numerous evil people on the internet or rather world wide web.

So .

To live journal manufacturers note this.

That  simply means I'm gonna go to another manufacturer of blogs and websites on the world wide web, and then join their blog sites .

And then choose a name for a blog on their site and then  re scan my writings onto their blogs and  websites.

And give my writings a go there instead.

Specifically attached in 101 links here.
At the beginning of this link.

add some videos and images to my writings.

On that note.

As Jesus clearly orders me to do in a connection of 
Matthew 5:17-20 with Leviticus 19:35-37.

And what, pray tell, does Leviticus 19:35-37 order Christians to do in connection to the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:17-20 in this life?

Those Christian instructions order Christians to summarize all the facts of this life fully in any way available on earth.

In any way.

Which obviously includes images and videos.

Clearly Leviticus 19:35-37 connected to Matthew 5:17-20 clearly instructs true Christians in this life to do that.

And that includes Christians of this day and age .


To the devilish self righteous deceitful manufacturers of live journal on that note I now say this.

What do you callous smart alwcks who are opposed to pure 
 writings that glorify Jesus,think of that?


Just so you know?
Everything I just wrote there to you?

It's all factual.

By way the holy name of Jesus Christ,in connection to both 
Deuteronomy 10:20 and Romans 3:31" I swear to that by the name of Jesus Christ.



Note this now.
On that note.

Everything I just quoted ?

And write in writing?

It proves I'm infinitely holy above all beings  actually in today's day and age for how I have properly gone about addressing my websites with so called controversial images and videos.

Everything I just wrote there proves that through the words and testaments of the word of God and Jesus Christ...

That's actually clearly factual.

When all the facts of this life are evaluated and summarized fully and properly.

So, win?

Don't be angry that I'm right.
On that note.

Please be aware of that obvious truth.

Thank you.

Oooooooo, p,s.

Before closing this specific written precursor introduction to this site I wish to say this to you Winnie.

Why is the internet filled with so many crazy images? And so absolutely crazy regarding images?

I never originally sought out  such idiocys.

As I factually prove here.
In the first posts contents.



I originally wrote my Christian blog websites decently and appropriatelt.

Without images at all 

Just wholesomChristian words which glorified Jesus honorably.

Yet various worldly establishments were not satisfied with me being a decent Christian there.

Regarding that.

So in short I was forced to write my websites with images attached.

I now ask why that is.

And I think that's a fair question I ask there 

When the facts of such a scenario are analyzed properly.

And also why did Jesus command me to evaluate such images fully? Connected to Leviticus 19:35-37 and Matthew 5:17-20?  Is Jesus crazy

Your little brother Kerry.
In this life.

Pure and simple.

And a Christian addressed touche.
On that note.
O my yes .

Forwarded in veridical veracious veracity. 

Connected to Psalm 51:10.

Now and always.

Alleluia! alleuia ! alleluia to Christ the  glory shall forevernore be!!!

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