A man i recently met told me the holy spirits words spoken through the prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 48 verse 10 were completely bull shit lies spoken to humans, in connection to 2nd peter 1, 19 to 21.
This man said to me that if the holy ghost in christianity tells true Christian's on earth in this existence to pick up a sword to fight against satan and evil people, then the holy ghost must be sinful.
I told the man not to count his chicks before they hatch. On those statements addressed.
In connection to mark 3 veraec29 and luke 4, verse 4 whole. Yes. Whole.
Matthew 26 verse 52 applies to 1st timothy 1 verses 9 to 10. Foolish humans. As does Roman's 4 verses 7 to 8. Obviously.
This connects with psalm 32, verse 2 and psalmb51 verse 10. Why was david given such grace? Even though David failed infinitely above other righteous beings of the Christian scriptures?
Because of psalm 51 verse 10. I have found a man whose heart is like mine! Exclaimed the lord. Sincere and pure.
So, that obviously means matthew 26 verse 52 applies to mortals who are not honorable towards the laws of christ. In a sincere fashion. As matthew 5 verses 17 to 20 warn . Obviously.
So, matthew 26 verse 52 does not contradict with 1st samuel and other scriptures of christianity therefore. Obviously. Regarding many holy biblical men killing evil men with swords. Such as like moses and joshua too. Why?
Because such men were sincere to christs laws. Even while holding a sword.
To devils. Obviously. That's why 1st timothy 1 verses 9 to 10 and Roman's 4 verses 7 to 8 are written.
And that too is why the holy ghost in christianity is actually thoroughly immaculately righteous for what the holy ghost speaks through Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 48 verse 10.
Woe to him who does not pick up a sword against hypocrites.
In connection to 2nd peter 1 verses 19 to 21. And luke 4 versec4. Whole. That too is a matter appropriately explained, decently , with facts. In this website.
It's TRUE, hypocrites and sinners,,not sincere to christ, are not permitted to pick up a sword, and kill. Yes. That's why matthew 26 versec52 was spoken by jesus. In connection to the scripture that finds jesus saying, I have not come to call the righteous to repentance, but rather sinners.
As also john 1 verse 47 proves. Regarding what jesus says about his apostle named Bartholomew.
Bartholomew was pure beyond measure according to christ , in this life.
So the majority of humans miss the boat on the truth of Roman's 3 verse 23 on that note. A precious few saints in this life were pure. Chosen by christ. Due to their works in prior existences.
Unknown to most created beings. In this life.
That too is a matter I explain for humans in proper detail with facts. In this website.
Perfectly clear and perfectly simple.
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It is also obvious that the spiritually evil forces of modern transport technology have altered the winds on earth and in the atmospheres around earth.
Which have given the winds extra power. On A minor note,this makes it doubly difficult for people not in cars or other modern transport inventions to travel decently. By wagon or horse or bicycle or what have you.
John 12, 25 , mark 8 ,35 . And luke 6" 26 magnified seven times over , through that unholy concept.
Sometimes I think about things. Ya know? And I ponder the functions of life. All mixed together. Religion, politics astrology, etc. And today all the functions of life have me asking this question. Regarding the world of mother nature and the animal kingdom, connected to an interesting part of christianity, here, now is something to consider.
It is known in the animal kingdom, that, in mating season, if a female adult lion is not completely submissive to the male adult lion mating with her, at times, she is at risk of the male lion literally killing her. Then , after that, that male lion, just goes and finds another female lion to mate with. Right after he kills the uncooperative female lion.
. That's a fact. She has to be completely submissive. During mating season
Or she'll probably be killed by the male lion. In nature. That's actually a fact. So, my question to that statement is this.
In alignment to that factual concept in nature, why, therefore, does christianity state that jesus is the ferocious harsh lion of the tribe of judah?
In summary, that is what christianity teaches.
Christ is a harsh lord to created beings who deliberately hypocritically dishonor the ten decent commandments of christianity in this life ..
Many christian scriptures confirm jesus is harsh to hypocrites who play hypocritical games. That's irrefutable. According to everything christianity teaches. So?..
Does that make sense?
Righteously? To condemn hypocrisy like that?
What is the definition to a hypocrite? Exactly. And why would jesus be called the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, if facts, in this life confirm male lions kill females who are not completely obedient during mating season for lions in this life? I address the appropriate answers to these questions in my websites to humans.
Albeit regardless, These are good questions for mortals to ponder. Atvqny time. In this life... Regardless. Exactly. Yes. Exactly. In truth.
Sometimes I think about things. Ya know? And I ponder the functions of life. All mixed together. Religion, politics astrology, etc. And today all the functions of life have me asking this question. Regarding the world of mother nature and the animal kingdom, connected to an interesting part of christianity, here, now is something to consider.
It is known in the animal kingdom, that, in mating season, if a female adult lion is not completely submissive to the male adult lion mating with her, at times, she is at risk of the male lion literally killing her. Then , after that, that male lion, just goes and finds another female lion to mate with. Right after he kills the uncooperative female lion.
. That's a fact. She has to be completely submissive. During mating season
Or she'll probably be killed by the male lion. In nature. That's actually a fact. So, my question to that statement is this.
In alignment to that factual concept in nature, why, therefore, does christianity state that jesus is the ferocious harsh lion of the tribe of judah?
In summary, that is what christianity teaches.
Christ is a harsh lord to created beings who deliberately hypocritically dishonor the ten decent commandments of christianity in this life ..
Many christian scriptures confirm jesus is harsh to hypocrites who play hypocritical games. That's irrefutable. According to everything christianity teaches. So?..
Does that make sense?
Righteously? To condemn hypocrisy like that?
What is the definition to a hypocrite? Exactly. And why would jesus be called the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, if facts, in this life confirm male lions kill females who are not completely obedient during mating season for lions in this life? I address the appropriate answers to these questions in my websites to humans.
Albeit regardless, These are good questions for mortals to ponder. Atvqny time. In this life... Regardless. Exactly. Yes. Exactly. In truth.
Saint petie refers to the fact in 1st peter 5: 8, that satan roams earth like a raging lion.🐣🦁🐶🦚🕎🙀😱
Seeking to kill.🐱💩🤡🥶 🐊🦕🦈🐌🐌🦈🦕🦕🐊🔯😜🦖🥶🤪🦖🐸🐒 And be wild.😱🔯🐵🦝🐱🦄🤪
Yet saint john refers people to the fact that the lord jesus seeks to kill satan's followers in revelation 5: 5.🥳🔯🍾🐣🥛🍺😱🍉😈🤡😱🔯🥳🐣🍊😱🍉👺🤫 Connected to matthew 26: 41. Which says followers of the devil are christs enemies.🐣😱🦁🍭🦌🐒🐸🍷😱🦖 And the book of revelation says🤪🤯 christ wars against such beings.🥳🔯🐣🐵🥳🐒💮😁🦍
Yet, both passages of scripture refer to satan and jesus being wild as lions😱🍉🍸🦄🐎🐱.🐷🦓🍼🍹🦄🦁
Is that contradiction?🥳🔯🥳🔯🐣🦝🥳🐱🔯🐈 . if what I address in this website is factual, which the facts of this life, parley is correct, then obviously the preceding so called contradiction does not really amount to a real contradiction. 🥳🔯🐣🐣😱🍉🐶🦁🦌🐷🍉💮😁 Obviously.
Saint petie refers to the fact in 1st peter 5: 8, that satan roams earth like a raging lion.🐣🦁🐶🦚🕎🙀😱
Seeking to kill.🐱💩🤡🥶 🐊🦕🦈🐌🐌🦈🦕🦕🐊🔯😜🦖🥶🤪🦖🐸🐒 And be wild.😱🔯🐵🦝🐱🦄🤪
Yet saint john refers people to the fact that the lord jesus seeks to kill satan's followers in revelation 5: 5.🥳🔯🍾🐣🥛🍺😱🍉😈🤡😱🔯🥳🐣🍊😱🍉👺🤫 Connected to matthew 26: 41. Which says followers of the devil are christs enemies.🐣😱🦁🍭🦌🐒🐸🍷😱🦖 And the book of revelation says🤪🤯 christ wars against such beings.🥳🔯🐣🐵🥳🐒💮😁🦍
Yet, both passages of scripture refer to satan and jesus being wild as lions😱🍉🍸🦄🐎🐱.🐷🦓🍼🍹🦄🦁
Is that contradiction?🥳🔯🥳🔯🐣🦝🥳🐱🔯🐈 . if what I address in this website is factual, which the facts of this life, parley is correct, then obviously the preceding so called contradiction does not really amount to a real contradiction. 🥳🔯🐣🐣😱🍉🐶🦁🦌🐷🍉💮😁 Obviously.
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Humanity condemns bigotry as an evil quality to possess in this life. Interesting. Yes. Very interesting. On that note I now state this. Definition to a bigot? On that note: Someone who does not tolerate the views of others. Interesting. Why? Because jesus clearly did that in this life. So? So that means jesus christ was clearly a bigot in this life. So? Does that mean jesus christ is wrong Or sinful? In this life. Because the christian bible teaches through the holy ghost in christianity that jesus christ is sinless.
See people? So? Regarding a flat out right condemnation of bigots therefore Something doesnt fully add up with That. Regarding that word. And how humans condemn bigots. In this life. 1st Corinthians 11 verse 1 even instructs true Christian's to imitate jesus and the actions of jesus. In this life. So? Now theres an interesting facet on truth. If it's clear jesus christ was a bigot. In this life. Okay. So. That's something . Something to think on. Right? Now I'm not saying everyone Who is a bigot in this life is right On that note. Measure facts properly. Obviously not everyone is.
I'm simply saying, if jesus christ himself Is clearly a bigot by way of his actions And words spoken to humanity in this life Then should humans condemn all bigots? See?
That's a good question.
Yes. A very good question that is. Which humans strangely stupidly never think about. What a surprise. On that note.
A man i recently met told me the holy spirits words spoken through the prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 48 verse 10 were completely bull shit lies spoken to humans, in connection to 2nd peter 1, 19 to 21.
ReplyDeleteThis man said to me that if the holy ghost in christianity tells true Christian's on earth in this existence to pick up a sword to fight against satan and evil people, then the holy ghost must be sinful.
I told the man not to count his chicks before they hatch.
On those statements addressed.
In connection to mark 3 veraec29 and luke 4, verse 4 whole. Yes.
Matthew 26 verse 52 applies to 1st timothy 1 verses 9 to 10.
ReplyDeleteFoolish humans.
As does Roman's 4 verses 7 to 8.
This connects with psalm 32, verse 2 and psalmb51 verse 10.
Why was david given such grace?
Even though David failed infinitely above other righteous beings of the Christian scriptures?
Because of psalm 51 verse 10.
I have found a man whose heart is like mine!
Exclaimed the lord.
Sincere and pure.
So, that obviously means matthew 26 verse 52 applies to mortals who are not honorable towards the laws of christ.
ReplyDeleteIn a sincere fashion.
As matthew 5 verses 17 to 20 warn .
Foolish humans.
ReplyDeleteWhy did the biblical man david not die by a sword if he lived by the sword in this life?
Connected to 1st samuel 15 verses 3 to 33?!!
Because david was sincere and true to god ultimately in this life.
And never truly sought out sin .
In hypocritical defiance of christ.
So, matthew 26 verse 52 does not contradict with 1st samuel and other scriptures of christianity therefore.
Regarding many holy biblical men killing evil men with swords.
Such as like moses and joshua too.
Because such men were sincere to christs laws.
Even while holding a sword.
To devils.
That's why 1st timothy 1 verses 9 to 10 and Roman's 4 verses 7 to 8 are written.
And that too is why the holy ghost in christianity is actually thoroughly immaculately righteous for what the holy ghost speaks through Jeremiah.
In Jeremiah 48 verse 10.
Woe to him who does not pick up a sword against hypocrites.
In connection to 2nd peter 1 verses 19 to 21.
And luke 4 versec4.
That too is a matter appropriately explained, decently , with facts.
In this website.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt's TRUE, hypocrites and sinners,,not sincere to christ, are not permitted to pick up a sword, and kill.
That's why matthew 26 versec52 was spoken by jesus.
In connection to the scripture that finds jesus saying, I have not come to call the righteous to repentance, but rather sinners.
As also john 1 verse 47 proves.
Regarding what jesus says about his
apostle named Bartholomew.
Bartholomew was pure beyond measure according to christ , in this life.
So the majority of humans miss the boat on the truth of Roman's 3 verse 23 on that note.
A precious few saints in this life were pure.
Chosen by christ.
Due to their works in prior existences.
Unknown to most created beings.
In this life.
That too is a matter I explain for humans in proper detail with facts.
In this website.
Perfectly clear and perfectly simple.
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Oo typo. Mick Jagger's tune is entitled sympathy for the devil.
ReplyDeleteNot , " speak of the devil." Woe my. Me knew that. But me forgot.
O my.Me bad.
It is also obvious that the spiritually evil forces of modern transport technology have altered the winds on earth and in the atmospheres around earth.
ReplyDeleteWhich have given the winds extra power.
A minor note,this makes it doubly difficult for people not in cars or other modern transport inventions to travel decently. By wagon or horse or bicycle or what have you.
John 12, 25 , mark 8 ,35 . And luke 6" 26 magnified seven times over , through that unholy concept.
At certain conjectures, that is the situation on earth.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the present forces of earths winds.
Sometimes I think about things.
ReplyDeleteYa know?
And I ponder the functions of life.
All mixed together.
Religion, politics astrology, etc.
And today all the functions of life have me asking this question.
Regarding the world of mother nature and the animal kingdom, connected to an interesting part of christianity, here, now is something to consider.
It is known in the animal kingdom, that, in mating season, if a female adult lion is not completely submissive to the male adult lion mating with her, at times, she is at risk of the male lion literally killing her.
Then , after that, that male lion, just goes and finds another female lion to mate with.
Right after he kills the uncooperative female lion.
That's a fact.
She has to be completely submissive.
During mating season
Or she'll probably be killed by the male lion.
In nature.
That's actually a fact.
So, my question to that statement is this.
In alignment to that factual concept in nature, why, therefore, does christianity state that jesus is the ferocious harsh lion of the tribe of judah?
In summary, that is what christianity teaches.
Christ is a harsh lord to created beings who deliberately hypocritically dishonor the ten decent commandments of christianity in this life ..
Many christian scriptures confirm jesus is harsh to hypocrites who play hypocritical games.
That's irrefutable.
According to everything christianity teaches.
Does that make sense?
To condemn hypocrisy like that?
What is the definition to a hypocrite?
And why would jesus be called the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, if facts, in this life confirm male lions kill females who are not completely obedient during mating season for lions in this life?
I address the appropriate answers to these questions in my websites to humans.
Albeit regardless,
These are good questions for mortals to ponder.
Atvqny time.
In this life...
In truth.
Sometimes I think about things.
ReplyDeleteYa know?
And I ponder the functions of life.
All mixed together.
Religion, politics astrology, etc.
And today all the functions of life have me asking this question.
Regarding the world of mother nature and the animal kingdom, connected to an interesting part of christianity, here, now is something to consider.
It is known in the animal kingdom, that, in mating season, if a female adult lion is not completely submissive to the male adult lion mating with her, at times, she is at risk of the male lion literally killing her.
Then , after that, that male lion, just goes and finds another female lion to mate with.
Right after he kills the uncooperative female lion.
That's a fact.
She has to be completely submissive.
During mating season
Or she'll probably be killed by the male lion.
In nature.
That's actually a fact.
So, my question to that statement is this.
In alignment to that factual concept in nature, why, therefore, does christianity state that jesus is the ferocious harsh lion of the tribe of judah?
In summary, that is what christianity teaches.
Christ is a harsh lord to created beings who deliberately hypocritically dishonor the ten decent commandments of christianity in this life ..
Many christian scriptures confirm jesus is harsh to hypocrites who play hypocritical games.
That's irrefutable.
According to everything christianity teaches.
Does that make sense?
To condemn hypocrisy like that?
What is the definition to a hypocrite?
And why would jesus be called the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, if facts, in this life confirm male lions kill females who are not completely obedient during mating season for lions in this life?
I address the appropriate answers to these questions in my websites to humans.
Albeit regardless,
These are good questions for mortals to ponder.
Atvqny time.
In this life...
In truth.
Saint petie refers to the fact in 1st peter 5: 8, that satan roams earth like a raging lion.🐣🦁🐶🦚🕎🙀😱
ReplyDeleteSeeking to kill.🐱💩🤡🥶
And be wild.😱🔯🐵🦝🐱🦄🤪
Yet saint john refers people to the fact that the lord jesus seeks to kill satan's followers in revelation 5: 5.🥳🔯🍾🐣🥛🍺😱🍉😈🤡😱🔯🥳🐣🍊😱🍉👺🤫
Connected to matthew 26: 41.
Which says followers of the devil are christs enemies.🐣😱🦁🍭🦌🐒🐸🍷😱🦖
And the book of revelation says🤪🤯 christ wars against such beings.🥳🔯🐣🐵🥳🐒💮😁🦍
Yet, both passages of scripture refer to satan and jesus being wild as lions😱🍉🍸🦄🐎🐱.🐷🦓🍼🍹🦄🦁
Is that contradiction?🥳🔯🥳🔯🐣🦝🥳🐱🔯🐈
if what I address in this website is factual, which the facts of this life, parley is correct, then obviously the preceding so called contradiction does not really amount to a real contradiction.
ReplyDeleteSaint petie refers to the fact in 1st peter 5: 8, that satan roams earth like a raging lion.🐣🦁🐶🦚🕎🙀😱
Seeking to kill.🐱💩🤡🥶
And be wild.😱🔯🐵🦝🐱🦄🤪
Yet saint john refers people to the fact that the lord jesus seeks to kill satan's followers in revelation 5: 5.🥳🔯🍾🐣🥛🍺😱🍉😈🤡😱🔯🥳🐣🍊😱🍉👺🤫
Connected to matthew 26: 41.
Which says followers of the devil are christs enemies.🐣😱🦁🍭🦌🐒🐸🍷😱🦖
And the book of revelation says🤪🤯 christ wars against such beings.🥳🔯🐣🐵🥳🐒💮😁🦍
Yet, both passages of scripture refer to satan and jesus being wild as lions😱🍉🍸🦄🐎🐱.🐷🦓🍼🍹🦄🦁
Is that contradiction?🥳🔯🥳🔯🐣🦝🥳🐱🔯🐈
if what I address in this website is factual, which the facts of this life, parley is correct, then obviously the preceding so called contradiction does not really amount to a real contradiction.
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Humanity condemns bigotry as an evil quality to possess in this life. Interesting. Yes.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. On that note I now state this. Definition to a bigot?
On that note:
Someone who does not tolerate the views of others.
Because jesus clearly did
that in this life.
So that means jesus christ was
clearly a bigot in this life.
Does that mean jesus christ is wrong
Or sinful?
In this life.
Because the christian bible teaches through the holy ghost in christianity that jesus christ is sinless.
See people?
Regarding a flat out right condemnation of bigots therefore
Something doesnt fully add up with
Regarding that word.
And how humans condemn bigots.
In this life.
1st Corinthians 11 verse 1 even instructs true Christian's to imitate jesus and the actions of jesus.
In this life.
Now theres an interesting facet on truth.
If it's clear jesus christ was a bigot.
In this life.
That's something .
Something to think on.
Now I'm not saying everyone
Who is a bigot in this life is right
On that note.
Measure facts properly.
Obviously not everyone is.
I'm simply saying, if jesus christ himself
Is clearly a bigot by way of his actions
And words spoken to humanity in this life
Then should humans condemn all bigots?
That's a good question.
A very good question that is.
Which humans strangely stupidly
never think about.
What a surprise.
On that note.